Color-Services-Wood-Prints-Santa-BarbaraOne of the most innovative products to enter our collection in recent years has been photographs printed on wood. The results are always stunning as images blended with wood take on an entirely new dimension.

Wood Prints are printed directly on maple…and just as the grain pattern in every maple plank is unique…each Wood Print is one-of-a-kind. The grain, along with any random knots, will show through in your print to give it a character unlike any other. Our Wood Prints include a half-inch border of bare wood at the perimeter to unify the image and create an organic frame.

Because Wood Prints are so earthy, rustic and substantial…they make an ideal gift choice for Father’s Day. A personal photograph that Dad can hang in his living space and enjoy every day is a gift that he will appreciate anew with every glance.

In honor of special fathers everywhere, we’re discounting Wood Prints ordered online from now through June 9, 2015. Use Coupon Code WOOD4DAD at checkout and get 25% OFF!