We were so pleased to welcome photographer Reed Snider to week #87 of the Photograph Your Love® Instagram Takeover. Reed is a Santa Barbara local who is now finishing his master’s degree at Bentley University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He loves film photography and he loves collecting cameras. He also loves shooting black & white film…with California and dark contrasts comprising much of his subject matter.
During his week on the takeover, Reed’s images took us around the world. He shared an assortment of black and white, color work and phone photos. He shared photos from our West Coast, the East Coast and a wonderful set of photos from his trip to Japan. A very special aspect of Reed Snider’s week on the takeover was the stories that accompanied his photos. His captions taught us so much about Reed, his aesthetic and his dedication fo photography. Thank you, Reed, for your awesome week! To see more photography by Reed Snider, find him on Instagram @deeplyrooted.
Color Services hosts the Photograph Your Love® Instagram Takeover to share the beauty of photography as captured by our talented clients. We see this as part of our mission as a business that processes and prints photos. Since its inception in 2015, the takeover has been going strong! Follow along @colorservices for your daily dose of inspiration.