On February 22, a new after-school activity called Kids+Cameras will launch at Adams elementary school in Santa Barbara, California. The program, created by two creative and compassionate young adults, was designed to introduce children to photography as a way to tell a story, express their feelings, and experience a new way of seeing the world.

1_kidscameras-4xKids+Cameras began when Santa Barbarans Robby Barthelmess, a photojournalist, and Courtney Owen, an art lover and photographer, traveled to Thailand to learn more about the problem of human trafficking that faces rural children in that country.

With 12 cameras in hand, Robby and Courtney set out to teach a photography workshop for children at the Resource Center in Chiang Rai. Expecting to have more than enough cameras, they were shocked by the large number of children that showed up, eager to try out photography. The workshop was tremendously successful. The students learned a lot, had the chance to explore a new art form, and began to look at their surroundings in a different way. Robbie and Courtney also learned a lot. They realized how much they loved teaching children and watching them experience a new means of expression.

Kids+Cameras was created to sustain the photography program at the Resource Center in Thailand and to expand the program elsewhere. After Adams School in Santa Barbara, their next project will be at Santa Barbara’s Franklin School.

Since March of 2011, Robby and Courtney have been raising money to continue their cause, but they need help. Kids+Cameras needs donations. The organization chose to use film cameras, seeing this as a way to recycle the many unused cameras in our communities and put them into the hands of youth. Kids+Cameras would appreciate donations of film, cameras, camera straps, camera bags, and any other photo accessories. Color Services is proud to be a sponsor of Kids+Cameras. We hope this exciting program will inspire children to pursue the art of photography and to learn more about the world around them. For more information, visit www.kidspluscameras.com.