Your photos are your history…your life. In 50 years, will you be able to reminisce? Will your grandchildren know if they’ve inherited your good looks? Will you be able to show them your family home and your beloved pets? Photo preservation is crucial to keeping your memories alive. Read on for 5 important reasons to digitize:
1. Copies for All. Many people choose to digitize photos and order multiple copies so that all children, grandchildren and siblings have a set of their own. This is also very helpful in the case of a death in the family or a divorce.
2. Reduce Clutter. Box up the old albums, stacks of prints, slide carousels, video tapes and movie reels for good. Storing a digital version of your memories requires far less space in your home.
3. Peace of Mind. Aging home movies, photo albums, slides and negatives are at risk for deterioration and misplacement. Consolidation to a compact digital format and storing extra copies off-site also insures against loss due to fires, earthquakes and floods.
4. Convenience. Avoid digging through closets and flipping through albums looking for a single photo. With everything stored in one place, digitized images are easily searchable.
5. Keep it Current. Your home movies and family videos are as good as gone if you don’t have a way to play them. Update them for compatibility with the latest devices. Vintage digitized photos can be used in new ways to make objects of home decor and keepsake mementos.
Another important aspect of Photo Preservation is Photo Restoration. Damaged or faded photos can be digitally restored to their original condition, and sometimes I find that the restoration looks even better. Scratches and rips can be fixed, color restored, vibrancy improved, backgrounds replaced and people or objects removed. A restored image can then be saved on a CD or printed.
Finally, remember that it’s just as important to preserve the present as the past. Mobile images and video clips should be backed up on a regular basis to DVD or your storage method of choice.
Photo Preservation is an ongoing process. Make a plan and get started so that your story can be kept alive for generations to come. While the prospect can feel overwhelming, keep in mind that doing anything at all is better than doing nothing. To learn more about how Color Services can help you, click here.